Halo Wars is a franchise of military science fiction real-time strategy video games developed by 343 Studios and Creative Assembly that has had two mainline instalments so far, 2009’s Halo Wars and the 2017 sequel, Halo Wars 2. While the first game was more distant from the core franchise of Halo games, 343 wanted to make the sequel, Halo Wars 2, more closely linked to the main storyline of the Halo franchise, thus making the setting for it just 28 years after the events of Halo Wars, in 2559, when the main franchise takes place. In this article, we will be taking a look at the possibility of 343 Studios developing a third mainline instalment to the series, presumably titled Halo Wars 3, and when this potential title could be coming out.
After the initial release of Halo Wars 2, it was supported by its developers with two campaign expansions called Operation Starbreaker and The Awakening: The Nightmare. As of now, the developers seem to have reprioritized and it seems as though updates and patches to Halo Wars 2 will be sparse or non-existent now.
The collaboration between 343 Studios and Creative Assembly was seen as a successful one and a win-win situation, with Microsoft’s belief that working with different developers was key to maintaining quality upheld, while Creative Assembly’s desire to produce a console real-time strategy game also satisfied. The game benefited from the experience of Creative Assembly with real-time strategy games like Total War and the employees there who had worked on the console-based title Alien Isolation. Considering the good favour between the two developers, there is every chance that it is renewed for the production of a third game.
The development of both Halo Wars and its sequel took around three years, meaning we can expect a Halo Wars 3 to come out around 2023 or 2024, which would be six years after the release of Halo Wars 2, in keeping with the release pattern of the first two games.
We hope you enjoyed this coverage of the Halo wars franchise. Make sure to check out our articles on SnowRunner 2, the potential Shang-Chi game, and the leaked info about Demon Slayer Hinokami Chronicles. Cheers!