Fallout New Vegas takes place 204 years after the bombs dropped, and though not a sequel to the series, it does consist of aspects from Fallout 2. The game was released from October 19 to 22, 2010, in various regions around the world. It is available on all previous generation consoles and PC, Fallout New Vegas was a major success, selling 12 million copies, winning the “RPG of the year” award in 2011, and being nominated for two BAFTA awards. The game was a content-filled single-player that had players hooked and even has people going back to the game today after recent Fallout releases, however, one aspect which was missing was the multiplayer mode, thankfully with the power of mods this was brought alive. We will show you how you can install and play the Multiplayer mod for Fallout New Vegas.
We will give you a step-by-step explanation to avoid any form of confusion, however, there are a few prerequisites before we can install the mod, you will need a copy of Fallout New Vegas preferably the Game of the year edition and you will need to have Discord.
In case you don’t have it, you can install Discord from here and make an account.
- First, you will need to install some files, visit the Github link here and download “nvmp_installer.exe”
- This may be recognized as a threat, allow it to be downloaded and it will automatically be added to your game files.
- Once installed, you will have to redirect yourself to the Fallout New Vegas local files, if you have the game on Steam then follow the process below
- Go to your library and right-click on Fallout New Vegas
- Select “Properties”
- Select “Local Files” and then select “Browse”
- The File Manager will popup and search for “nvmp_launcher” within it
- Once found, launch the “nvmp_launcher”
- Once you have started the launcher, you will need to join their discord, the link for which is here, you will need to be in the general voice chat to join the server, this is to prevent Bots from joining.
- Once joined the voice chat, go back to your launcher and click on “Authenticate”, A popup will appear and give whichever permission is asked for, once done the game will launch itself.
- However, if the game doesn’t launch and you’re met with an erorr “The service was stopped in 2019” then close the tab and go back to the launcher
- In the launcher click on Repair, try this 3 time and if it doesn’t work then click on “Verify steam Integrity”, this should ideally fix the issue and if it doesn’t then follow the steps again to reinstall the files
- You will begin in good springs, some important commands you should know are listed below
- These commands can be entered in chat by pressing “Enter” on your keyboard and all quotation marks should be removed when typing them out
- “/creationmenu” : for a character creation menu
- “/save”: to save where you are
- “/gs”: will teleport you to good springs
- “/deletemycharacter”: the only time you should do this is if you enter doc Mitchells house and start the introduction scene to Fallout New Vegas.
You should be set to play multiplayer now without any issues.