Its already been more than a week since Google released the first Android 11 Beta. As of today, a lot of devices from other OEMs have access to the first Android 11 Beta as well. Apart from Pixel devices, the OnePlus 8 series, Mi 10 series along with the Poco F2 Pro/Redmi K30 5G, Vivo Nex 3S 5G, and the iQOO 3 series devices have so far received the first Android 11 Beta builds. Well, Oppo was also one of the very first OEMs to announce the Android 11 Beta for the Find X2 series. Android 11 Beta 1 for Find X2 series devices is now finally available.
Well, that’s not all. Oppo is also delivering the latest ColorOS 7.2 along with the Android 11 Beta release. Isn’t that cool? You got everything in just a single package.
Android 11 Beta 1 for the Find X2 series devices comes with ColorOS 7.2
A while ago, Oppo also released the latest iteration of ColorOS with the launch of the Reno 4 series. The brand also announced the Android 11 Beta for its flagship Find X2 series. Well, seems like Oppo is delivering the goodness of both combined in a single update. As seen earlier, Oppo has finally released the Android 11 Beta 1 for Find X2 series devices with the latest ColorOS 7.2 on top. Yes, that’s true.
Talking about the changes and features, the update brings home every great thing from ColorOS 7.2 and Android 11 Beta. Oppo also highlights some of the features that the update brings. These highlights include features like automatic switching between dark mode and night mode. Further, we also get to see BedTime mode, Enhanced Privacy Protection, Device Control, Better Messaging controls with bubbles, and a lot more. Oppo further says that in case there is a duplicate app, it will be replaced by the GSM(Google Mobile Services) app rather than the stock ColorOS app. Let me tell you that the update also contains a couple of bugs, of course. However, these are only issues that are known as of now. There might as well be some more issues that are not yet known. Here are all the known issues from the update.
Known Issues
Download firmware packages
You can download the Android 11 firmware files for both the Find X2 and the Find X2 Pro. The download links are given below. You can also download the rollback firmware for the devices.
- OPPO Find X2 (CPH2023):
- OPPO Find X2 Pro (CPH2025):
Here are a few things that you need to take care of before proceeding with installing the update.
- Take a complete backup of your data as they will be erased during the upgrade. Further, rollback will also erase all the data.
- Ensure you have enough charge on your device before you begin the process.
In order to install the Android 11 Beta on your device, all you need to do is follow these simple steps.
- Copy the downloaded firmware file to the root directory of internal storage.
- Switch off the device and boot into the recovery mode by pressing and holding Power + Volume Down buttons
- Then tap on the “Install from storage” button and select the update file and then tap “Install”.
- Wait for a few minutes and once you see the success message pop up, reboot your phone.
There you go, people. You now have Android 11 installed on your device. Check out all the new features you get to see.
Stay tuned for further updates on Android 11 Beta 1 for Find X2 series and more such related content. Also, share this article with all those people who have been waiting for the update.