DoorDash offers your favorite dishes from restaurants at your door step. It satisfies your cravings at the comfort of your home, giving you a delightful experience. Doordash has also helped restaurants to expand their domain and attract more customers.
Coming to the topic, some users are facing an issue. Particularly the restaurant owners encounter a 10000 error. Well, if you are facing the same issue ? We are here to help you out. But first lets know about the error:-
Limiting order 10000 error
After a particular amount of orders, for some reason the restaurant stops getting more orders.
Steps To Fix the Issue
Update the app
Try updating the app. Verify, if there is no new version of the app. For example, Instagram stops working when an update is available. Sometimes, same is the case with other apps.
Contact The Company
Try Contacting Doordash on their official website . They can tell you about the particular error and fix any issue which is present that their end.
Verify Your Network Connection :
Check if the speed of the network is not slow. As a result, it is not able to establish a secure connection. Restart you router or try switching to some other network connection.
Verify the status of the server
There can be a possibility that the server has crashed or is down due to a bug. There is nothing you can do about this. Only the company can fix this issue. You can also verify the status of the server from Down Detector.