Conan Exiles came out back in January 2017. Over the years, the game has received a somewhat lukewarm reception from fans. Some people love it, while some people hate it. We believe that the game has a lot of potential to be great with just a little polishing. The open-world sandbox is a joy to explore, even though the combat may seem clunky at times.
The game also doesn’t do a very good job of holding your hand through the basics. You are thrown into the world of Conan Exiles and left to fend for yourself. Also, the crafting system is an abomination, it has so much potential but it has been so poorly executed. All of it just makes crafting seem like a tedious process for no reason. The game’s mechanics never did justice to its beautiful and varied environments. We could go on all day about the various shortcomings of what could’ve been an incredible game. But that is not what we’re here to talk about today. We’re here to shed some light on the availability of a split-screen mode in Conan Exiles. So without further ado let’s get into it.
Does Conan Exiles have Split Screen?
Just imagine playing an amazing open-world survival, crafting game like this with your friend with the help of couch co-op. Well, you will have to keep imagining since the game doesn’t offer any way to enjoy it in a local split-screen multiplayer setting. It has been quite some time since AAA game developers dropped the couch co-op mechanic and we truly wish that this wasn’t the case.
Multiplayer has a lot of different meanings, but nothing defines it as better than being able to sit on the couch with your friend and enjoy the same game together. So even though split-screen gaming may not be a thing anymore, there is not a lot that we can do about it. We will just have to wait for a developer that truly understands why getting rid of the local co-op is a bad thing for gaming.
That concludes our article on whether Conan Exiles has a split-screen mode or not. Although it’s disappointing that the game does not offer a split-screen mode there isn’t a lot that can be done about it. Visit Digistatement for more informative articles like the one you just read. Leave a comment below if you have any queries. Thank you for reading!