As you might have known, Payday 3, the long-awaited sequel to Payday 2, is generating quite a buzz among fans of the series. Set several years after the events of its predecessor, Payday 3 brings back the iconic gang members: Hoxton, Chains, Wolf, and Dallas. These notorious criminals, who had officially retired, find themselves forced back into a life of crime due to a new and unknown threat. With the game announced and the release set for the 21st of September, many new and existing fans of the franchise want to know if Payday 3 can be played offline without an internet connection. If you are wondering the same thing, consider reading until the end.
Well, Payday 1 and 2 offered offline modes. This means that even if you don’t have an internet connection or prefer to play solo, you can still enjoy the thrilling heist experience that the games have to offer. But will this privilege be available in the next Payday game? Well, a lot of players have this question on their minds. Luckily, we are here to shed some light on the matter.
Can you play Payday 3 offline without an internet connection?
Folks, as per the information available right now, it does not look like the game will have an offline mode. An internet connection might be required at all times to play Payday 3. Now, keep in mind that this has not been confirmed explicitly by the developers yet. Nevertheless, there are some reasons that make us believe that an offline mode will not be available in the game.
Firstly, the system requirements section on the game’s official store page on Steam itself mentions that a “Broadband Internet Connection” is required in order to play the game. Not just that, you will also need a Starbreeze Nebula account to play the game. So, this makes it more likely for the game to be an online-only experience. Not to mention the fact that Payday 3 is going to have season passes, new content, and other regular updates. Well, another potential reason for always-online gameplay is the inclusion of microtransactions in the game. No one really likes them, but at this point, a lot of games are adopting different microtransaction models. Of course, for all of this to happen, the game will need an active internet connection at all times.
However, with the growing concerns, players hope that the developers will reconsider the always-online requirement for Payday 3. They believe that removing this restriction would not only address the issues mentioned but also help rebuild trust and restore faith among the player base, particularly after the microtransaction leak and controversies surrounding Payday 2. Well, we will update this article with more details once we fetch them. Till then, you can follow DigiStatement to get the latest updates in the world of gaming.
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