If Alexa.com is not working for you. Fret not, you are not alone as many users are also facing the same issue.
Alexa.com is currently facing technical & server issues and website is not loading for many users. Alexa.com is one of the best SEO tools in the market and it is widely used worldwide.
Speaking of Alexa.com, it provides all the relevant features including backlinks details, Organic keywords, global ranking & keyword gaps. It is also one of the most trusted tools after Ahref & Semrush.
So far, there is no official response from company officials. But we certainly hope, their team is looking to resolve the issues at the earliest.
Rest assured, we are keeping a close tab on all the developments regarding this issue. Whenever any update or fix arrives for the same, we will update the column.
Let us know below in the comments if you are also encountering issues with Alexa.com