Bayonetta 3 is an action game that simultaneously features adventure too. The players of this game are appreciating the visuals as well as the storyline that it provides while enjoying the challenges that it has to offer. Bayonetta 3 is similar to all those games that feature a set of missions that the players need to complete in order to advance further. These missions include a number of challenges that the players have to deal with. But, it is important to save the progress too, as one cannot complete the game in one go. This is why there is a ‘Save’ feature available in the game which saves the progress of the players. But, it comes with certain conditions and is categorized into two modes. In order to know more about how to save game progress in Bayonetta 3, keep reading the article further.
Bayonetta 3: How to save game progress
The progress of the player in Bayonetta 3 is automatically saved in between verses. You can verify this by keeping an eye on the bottom right corner of the screen. There, you will see the appearance of an icon having purple color. This ensures that your game is saved at that checkpoint. But, this happens in the autosave feature that the game implements automatically. What if you want to save the game manually, is there a way to do it? You will be happy to know that you can also save the game manually at a few locations in between an ongoing mission as well. You can do so by keeping a check on small stones having purple orbs. If you spot one, head to the stone and then you will be able to save your game, making the location a checkpoint. If you leave the game here, the next time when you will again play the game, you will be able to continue from the same location.
There is one more way to save the game. But, in order to access this save, you need to head out of the mission. This means that you cannot use this method when you are in between an ongoing mission. You need to head to the Chapter Select Menu of the game. Then, you need to press the ‘+’ button on your Nintendo Switch, and you will be able to see a menu then. There, you will find the ‘Save’ option. After choosing this option, you will be able to save the game.