The mobile gaming space is bigger than ever, with powerful hardware capable of running the heaviest of games. It’s no surprise to see popular franchises and studios launching their flagship games on mobile platforms as well. Games like Call of Duty, Minecraft, PUBG, etc. have seen a huge increase in their player base on the mobile platform. Apex Legends is also a game that has been successful in the mobile gaming market. But no matter the game or the platform, bugs, and errors are simply inevitable, and Apex Legends Mobile is no exception. More specifically, we are talking about Error Code 201, an error message that has been troubling Apex Legends Mobile players a lot. Well, if you too are facing the same error, then you have landed on the right page. Keep reading as we go over all the things that you need to know regarding this error.
Apex Legends Mobile is a battle royale game that lets you enter the BR adventure along with your friends. But with the occurrence of this error, all of your precious game time may get wasted while trying to look for a fix. To save you peace and game time, we have put this guide together. Error code 201 can hinder your gameplay, and you might think that with a few tweaks here and there, you should be able to get back into the game. But is that the case? Keep reading to know.
Apex Legends Mobile Error Code 201: How to fix it
Now, players facing this error may be hoping for some fix or a workaround to get back into the game, but unfortunately, that won’t be possible anymore. The thing is, Apex Legends Mobile has been discontinued. As drastic as it may sound, it is the stark reality of writing this article. The game has been removed from the mobile platform altogether and cannot be seen on the App Store/Play Store. So why did the official team take this decision? After all, the game is a huge hit on PC and consoles. According to the official statement released by Respawn, the game was shut down because “the content pipeline for Apex Legends Mobile has begun to fall short of that bar for quality, quantity, and cadence.”
It’s a bougie way of saying that the game was not bringing in any revenue and so had to be shut down. This has led to the parting of two independent entities, Respawn and Tencent, that were involved with the game. It was officially shut down on 1st May. So, that should explain the Error code 201. Forget a workaround, there is no game to play in the first place.
While it may sound like the end for Apex as a franchise, but that certainly is not the case. The game remains a strong hit on PC and consoles, with the devs actively dropping regular updates to improve it. In all of this mess, the party that was handed the short end of the stick are the players. We can only pity those players who had spent their hard-earned money to collect skins and other items in the game. With the game gone, gone are those acquisitions and the money. Adding salt to the injury is the fact that the devs have stated that they won’t be handing out any kind of refund whatsoever. Well, that is why you are facing Error Code 201 in Apex Legends Mobile. We hope this guide was informative. For more gaming reads like this, make sure to follow Digistatement.