Animal Crossing New Horizons is the new installment in the Animal Crossing video game series. This game is developed and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch in 2020. In this game, the player controls a character that moves to a deserted island and then develops that island into a community of anthropomorphic animals by gathering items, crafting them, and customizing the island. The big 2.0 update of Animal Crossing New: Horizons added Gyroids to the game. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can grow Gyroids in Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH).
Before knowing how to grow Gyroids, let’s briefly know them. Gyroids are small, wiggling, noise-making, unique furniture items. The Gyroids are based on the Japanese culture called Haniwa and were traditionally buried with the dead people. As Animal Crossing is also a Japanese game, the 2.0 update in the game introduced the more adorable and cuter version of Gyroids to it. These small and cute furniture items can be grown by finding and planting gyroid fragments. Here is the full procedure, following which, you can also grow Gyroids on your island.
ACNH Grow Gyroids
- As mentioned earlier also, you will need to find Gyroids fragments to grow Gyroids. You can find these fragments on both your home island and on mystery islands visited using Kapp’n Boat Tours. You can visit only one mystery island per day, and on each mystery island, you can find only one Gyroid fragment. While going to Mystery Island, you must remember to take tools like shovels and ladders to access the digging spots. The digging spot looks like a brown-colored star on the ground.
- Once you have got the fragments, you just need an empty space on your island to dig the ground and plant the fragment. It is just like you are planting a seed of a fruit.
- After you have planted the Gyroid Fragment, it is necessary to water it well to ensure that it grows. Water in any form, like snow or rainfall also, will help the fragment grow into Gyroid.
- After a day in the game, you must dig out the land where you buried the fragment and it will reveal a new random Gyroid furniture item.
Here is the list of Gyroids that you can get in ACNH:
- Aluminoid
- Arfoid
- Babbloid
- Bendoid
- Bloopoid
- Boioingoid
- Boomoid
- Brewstoid
- Bubbloid
- Bwongoid
- Clatteroid
- Crumploid
- Dootoid
- Drummoid
- Flutteroid
- Jingloid
- Laseroid
- Oinkoid
- Petaloid
- Rattloid
- Ringoid
- Rumbloid
- Scatteroid
- Spikenoid
- Sproingoid
- Squeakoid
- Squeezoid
- Stelloid
- Thwopoid
- Tockoid
- Tremoloid
- Twangoid
- Wallopoid
- Whirroid
- Whistloid
- Xylophoid