Who is sus this time! Would you look at that its the Predator? After Stranger things mod we are here. The modding community is super active and is always coming up with new mods. In this article, I will tell you about the Among Us New Predator Mod and what it has to offer. This is an insane mod so let’s get into the discussion!
Among Us
Among is a really popular game that has come out of its indie state and has become a worldwide phenomenon. This game is based on the popular tabletop game known as Mafia. Like Mafia, the objective of the game is to lie to everyone and survive. If you are the imposter, you have to kill the crewmates before they can complete their tasks of repairing the ship that too without getting caught. If you are the crewmate then your job is the complete the tasks given before you get killed or the imposter kills enough people. There are meetings in which you have to decide and find out who is the imposter and eject that player.
Among Us New Predator Mod
In this new mod, if you are the Imposter then you get to play as the Predator from the hit movie Predator. While you are the Predator, you can spear the crewmates. You can also blind people with drones and even go invisible. Along with the usual Imposter abilities that you have of killing crewmates, you can also mark the crewmates and even self-destruct if push comes to shove. The tasks are the same and even the map is the same. You can also see the marked crewmate and then devise plans to either stop the predator or run as far away as possible.
This is one of the most interesting mods that we at DigiStatement have covered. You can see more mods for Among Us here.