Aliens Fireteam Elite is a third-person action shooter game developed and published by Cold Iron Studios and 20th Century Games, a subsidiary of Disney’s 20th Century Studios. It was released as a standalone game on August 24 2021 but has been dubbed a sequel to the Alien Trilogy earlier released by the same developers. In this article, we will discuss Aliens Fireteam Elite Pathogen Expansion Release Date, features, and every other detail relevant to the expansion. Let’s tell you more about the original game. Aliens Fireteam Elite has the player assuming the role of a colonial marine on board the UAS Endeavor spaceship and saddled with the responsibility of being a first responder to distress calls from other colonies in outer space.
The game can be played in single-player mode or alternatively played with friends or AI teammates in multiplayer mode. Characters in the game belong to 7 in-game classes; Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, Phalanx, Lancer, and Recon. What’s more, weapons can be customized to match the four-story campaigns and the missions in each campaign. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Developers have announced they have been working on an expansion for the game. Let’s tell you more about it.
Aliens Fireteam Elite Pathogen Expansion Release Date
Cold Iron Studios have really done a number on the game to make it even more interesting. The latest is the expansion of the game to include many enticing features. The Pathogen expansion as it is called will be released on August 30th, 2022, and comes with an array of new campaigns, environments, weapons, enemies, and maps—you just have to see the trailer.
It will be available for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam. Obviously, you have to own the game on any of the platforms to be able to purchase the pathogen expansion. That is a lot of features to release in a go, but that is not all. Due to popular demand, a new hardcore mode has been added too, and it is free. Also, a crossplay feature for the game has been hinted at for July, a month before the pathogen expansion is released.
While we wait for the pathogen expansion on August 30th, check out DigiStatement for more updates and gaming tips. Also, kindly share this article with Aliens Fireteam Elite fans and your gaming community.