A3! Season Spring & Summer is a new anime series airing from January 14. It follows the story of Izumi Tachibana, who was previously a stage actress aims to rebuild a theatre group Mankai Company as a new owner and director.
Recently, anime has revealed a new key visual. Two members: a spring group leader Sakuya Sakuma and summer group leader Kotenma are featured in the visual.
An advertisement of the anime using this visual is being presented today at the Metro Promenade at Tokyo Metro Shinjuku Station. From January 6 there will be more advertising campaigns in Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Also, a special truck of this work will run in Tokyo City on Jan 7.
In addition, the cover image of the opening theme song CD “Act! Addict! Actors!” has been released. Like key visual, Sakuya and Kotenma are on the cover image. It is decided that Blu-ray/ DVD of the anime will be released on March 4. Check the official website for details.
A3! Season Spring & Summer airs on January 13, 2020. Check the schedule below:
TOKYO MX: From Monday, January 13, 2020, every Monday 24:00-
Sun TV: From Monday, January 13, 2020, every Monday 24:00-
KBS Kyoto: January 13, 2020 (Monday) From every Monday from 24:00
BS11: Every Monday from January 13, 2020 (Monday) from 24:00
Rest assured, we’re keeping a close eye on all related developments, and will update the story with relevant info as and when we come across any. So in case, you’re also curious about the developments, stay tuned for the updates.
Source: Natalie