Coronavirus pandemic has crippled the planet. The number of people affected by this disease is constantly increasing. Many countries are opting lockdown & this outbreak has also postponed many major events.
Pokemon Go, an augmented reality game which is based on a concept of getting outside the home & catching Pokemon has also made some changes in the wake of Coronavirus pandemic.
On March 23, Niantic announced 1 Pokecoin bundles in the shop. New 1 PokéCoin bundles have been made available in the shop each week as one-time purchases.
Well, today, Niantic has updated the bundle with new items. The new bundle will stay active until Monday, April 13, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PDT. Right now, 1 PokéCoin bundle is available for you & it contains the following
- Ultra Balls × 20
- Pinap Berries × 15