We made a post a few days back that told you about the Bamboo Island you can land to. Basically you have to buy the Nook Miles ticket and you can go to any other mystery island. What? You thought yours is the only island? Well, No! But as soon as you rack up 2000 Nook Miles, take your Nook Miles ticket to the airport and take the trip. To purchase the ticket you will have to first go to the NookStop at Residential Services Centre.
Now as far as we know, you cannot decide the location, you will be thrown to a random island. There are a limited number of locations that can crop up and we have made a list down below, highlighting their features.
Normal Island
The most frequent one, it’s features are the exact same to your own island and it isn’t much you can do here except look for resources and gifts. If you’ve yet to invite a new villager, you will find a villager roaming here. You can also turn a normal island into a tarantula island.
Bamboo Island
We covered what the bamboo island beholds a few days back. The island is full of bamboo trees and it is a valuable resource, so if you by chance end up on the bamboo island, dig a tree up and take them back to your island and plant them to make them accessible.
Flower Island
The island is much like the normal island with just one exception, you can find multiple different types of flowers, mostly hybrids. There is also another feature to this island, it offers you unique butterflies. The blue Emperor butterfly is worth 4000 bells so be sure to catch it if you see it.
Fruit Island
This island contains fruits that you would not normally possess. You should dig up those trees and take them back to your island to take full advantage of your trip.
Tarantula Island
Farming Bells and you would have heard of Tarantulas. They have become quite infamous for this as long as you go at night, you can find a few tarantulas and each of them cost 8000 bells each. You can sell them at Nook Cranny Shop.
Shark Island
I don’t know if you understand the pattern yet or not but a shark island has sharks. Hammerhead sharks are for 8000 bells, Whale Shark for 13000 bells and the Great White Shark is 15000 bells.
Bell Rock Island
Much trickier name. You can mine the rocks for bells rather than clay, rocks and iron. It has a smaller island in the middle with rocks laid out in a circle.
There are many more Islands in the game but we felt like these are the most important ones you should know about. Be safe, stay at home and go to islands.