Xerneas is about to make its debut as Tier 5 legendary Raid Boss in the Pokemon Go game. Xerneas is boosted by cloudy weather and requires 5-7 trainers to be on the safer side. Xerneas has been found strong against Dark Type, Dragon-Type, and Fighting Type.
The maximum CP at Level 40 for Xerneas is 3781. If you are one of the biggest game players, then you will also try to level it up to level 50. The maximum CP at Level 50 for Xerneas is 4275. So, Xerneas can be caught with the following CP values:
- 2073- 2130 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
- 2591- 2701 CP at Level 25 with Cloudy weather boost
As we have discussed the powers of Xerneas, let’s see that how to counter it in Pokemon Go.
Best Counters for Xerneas
There are two most powerful counters against Xerneas. They are:
- Gengar (Mega)
Powers: Lick (Ghost), Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Metagross
Powers: Bullet Punch (Steel), Meteor Mash (Steel)
There are also several other great counters for Xerneas after these two. They are:
- Beedrill
Powers: Poison Jab (Poison), Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Dialga
Powers: Metal Claw (Steel), Iron Head (Steel)
- Genesect
Powers: Metal Claw (Steel), Magnet Bomb (Steel)
- Roserade
Powers: Poison Jab (Poison), Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Excadrill
Powers: Metal Claw (Steel), Iron Head (Steel)
- Gengar
Lick (Ghost), Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Jirachi
Powers: Charge Beam (Electric), Doom Desire (Steel)
- Venusaur (Mega)
Powers: Wine Whip (Grass), Sludge Bomb (Poison)
- Charizard (Mega Y)
Powers: Free Spin (Fire), Blast Burn (Fire)
- Heatran
Powers: Free Spin (Fire), Iron Head (Steel)
- Ho-Oh
Powers: Steel Wing (Steel), Brave Bird (Flying)
All these are non-Shadow Pokemon options. As we all know that Shadow Pokemons are extremely expensive to power up, they have not been put here in this list. But, if you have any Shadow Pokemon from the above list, use it to counter Xerneas.