Note: New updates about the WOW internet outage are added at the bottom.
Original Post(April 4): If you are using WOW internet and it is not working for you. Fret not, you are not alone as many WOW Internet users are also facing the same issue.
Many users have taken the route of Twitter to express their concerns regarding the current outage. Have a look at some tweets down below.
@MoustacheRide69 @WOWCare Did service go down in Michigan?
2020-04-03 19:39:54
@delta88hoodpins @rianrainey @WOWCare @rianrainey I’m in Columbus too and just reached out to them and gave my address. They stated the node that services my house is fine. My service is still down. Waiting on phone for tech support now…
2020-04-03 15:09:32
@Keyzersoze17 @WOWCare do you have an outage in 48187?
2020-04-03 13:44:24
@scott2824 @WOWCare are you having known issues in the greater Cleveland area? My download speed is at 3mbps and should be 100
2020-04-03 13:17:28
@LJE_Home @WOWCare Outage in Des Plaines IL as of this morning. I also sent a DM
WOW Outage Map:
An outage tracking website, Down Detector also confirms that WOW is indeed going through some glitch & outage in several locations. Have a look at the outage map down below.
Rest assured, we are keeping a close tab on all the developments regarding this issue. Whenever any update or fix arrives for the same, we will update the column.
Let us know in the comments section if you are also facing an outage in your area.
Update: 1
Wow internet is down again many users are having issues with the internet. Check out some of the tweets by netizens.
@leo_fnn @WOW_WAY is cable service down for me? South side chicago.
2020-05-01 02:53:54
@OKShoemaker @WOW_WAY 5 hours with no internet why do I pay youuuuuuuuuu
2020-05-01 02:50:16
@PhilJamesTattoo @WOW_WAY cable and internet were down for sometime earlier. Just came home to find they’re both out again. ?
2020-05-01 01:46:19
@sivasrin2 @WOWCare Is the internet service down in Troy, MI, 48085?