World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth November 24 hotfix fixes a number of bugs created by the Shadowlands expansion rollout. This Tuesday, November 24, 2020, Blizzard has deployed a patch aimed at improving the quality of play for players of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands by correcting bugs and other problems present in the game.
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally remove Travel Form when the player experiences an untimely disconnection or forcing the game to close.
- Fixed an issue where Adaptive Swarm (Necro-Lords) was not increasing damage dealt by damage over time.
- Each Ferocious Bite cast through Summon Spirits (Night Fae) with Saber Tooth (Talent) should now increase the duration of Rip by 5 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where Ray of Frost (Talent) would sometimes not grant 2 stacks of Fingers of Frost when the ray was fully channelled.
- Shadowform is now learned at level 10 (was 12).
- Devouring Plague is now learned at level 12 (was 10).
Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed an issue that caused Morphalene the Mighty to disappear immediately after he was engaged in combat.
Dungeons and Raids
Halls of atonement
- The damage dealt by Refracted Stale Light should now be aligned with the visual effect of that ability’s ray.
Rook Bastion
- Reduced damage inflicted by rocks.
Objectives and Rewards
- The Brew ten land is broken and can not be used beyond the level 49 (instead of 50).
- The maximum level at which the Lightning Forged Enhancement Rune can be used has been increased to 59 (was 50).
- Ashjra’kamas, Shroud of Determination no longer grants Draconic Empowerment to players above level 50.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players who played with Laser Matrix (Azerite Trait) to enter combat with creatures even when the trait was no longer equipped.
- Death’s Door to the Den should now be available for the Alliance quest The Path to Salvation.
- Addressed an issue where groups completing the Art of Handicrafting quest in Bastion might not see the temperature bar progressing.
- Addressed an issue where groups could have difficulty completing the Get Away from the Edge quest, My Friend in Bastion.
- The House of Rituals has sent reinforcements to the Bastion, resulting in more targets available for Double Dose.
- Addressed an issue where interacting with the Vulnerable Aspirant would cause you to leave your mount during the quest On the Edge of a Revelation.
- Temple of Courage Necrotic Drops are no longer level 60 and apologize for being so aggressive.
- Fixed an issue where Gerdus was not always available to complete the quest WANTED: Goinfre-Bec.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Jailer’s name to disappear from the cinematic subtitles in the Den.
Global Events
- The Necromancy event vendor, Crusader Adevald Ironbeard, has taken refuge in the Argent Tournament Grounds and is now stationed near other tournament reward vendors.