If you are looking for information regarding the meaning of the term “blue bar”, you have come to the right place. Halo Infinite is a game that consists of unique game elements. Likewise, there are tons of unique terms as well as phrases that represent the unique game elements. Knowing what these terms and phrases mean can be very useful. This article is therefore regarding what does blue bar means in Halo Infinite.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the term “blue bar” in Halo Infinite by reading below.
What does the blue bar mean in Halo Infinite?
The term “blue bar” in Halo Infinite simply refers to the bar in the game that turns blue when a player wins matches. This bar mainly represents how much a player wins or loses during a game session. Likewise, it is a very useful dashboard-like representation for players to find out their performance during a gaming session. The bar in the game is blue when a player first starts the game. After a player wins or loses a match, the color of the bar changes accordingly.
Winning matches in the game turn the bar blue and that means you are performing well. On the other hand, losing matches will make the bar turn red meaning that you are not performing well. Consequently, the main purpose of the bar is to inform players of how well they are performing.
There is also a unique state where there may be no color in the bar at all. Likewise, this mainly occurs when a player wins as well as loses matches in equal numbers. Thus, there is no reason for players to worry when there is no color in the bar.
A Basic Overview of How The Rank Bar Works
When a player first logs in to the game, the color of the bar remains white. Then, as a player starts winning or losing matches, the arrow at the bottom of the bar sits still while the top arrow starts moving. Likewise, the top arrow moves along to the right when a player wins matches. As a result, the difference between the two arrows turns blue. On the other hand, when a player loses a match, the top arrow moves to the left. Consequently, the bar in-between the arrows turn red.
This was an article regarding the meaning of the term “blue bar” in Halo Infinite. You can also check out another article on the game by clicking here.