If you are a player looking for more information regarding the meaning of the letters “kwtd” in Destiny 2, you have come to the right place. Destiny 2 is a massively multiplayer game with a large active player base. Likewise, the game also has a large variety of unique terms, phrases, abbreviations as well as acronyms that are common among players. Knowing what these phrases mean can be very helpful when communicating with other players. This article is therefore regarding what kwtd means in Destiny 2.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the letters “kwtd” in Destiny 2 by reading below.
What does kwtd mean in Destiny 2?
The letters “kwtd” in Destiny 2 are simply an abbreviation of the phrase “Know What To Do”. Likewise, it is a shorthand way that Destiny 2 players tell each other to know their role in the game. Destiny 2 is a multiplayer game where teamwork as well as being strategic is very important. Therefore, using the “kwtd” abbreviation is a way to communicate to your teammates that they must be aware of what to do.
Not knowing what to do during raids as well as matches can be disastrous for the entire team. Well, these letters are also very common, particularly when playing with new players or somewhat casual players. It is a good practice to inform such players to be aware of their roles by saying “kwtd”.
The letters “kwtd” are also not exclusive to this game only. Likewise, they are also used in other online multiplayer games. However, it is particularly apt to use the letters in the context of this game. This is because the opposite of what the letters mean can be a frustrating experience for players. Consequently, when a player, as well as a teammate, do not know what to do, it can cause major frustration. Thus, using the letters “kwtd” to inform your teammates to be vigilant is of very effective use.
This was an article regarding what the meaning of the letters “kwtd” in Destiny 2 is. You can also check out another article on the game by clicking here.