If you are looking for information regarding the term “journey” in Terraria, you have come to the right place. Terraria is a trendy game that has a massive player base as well as a community on a variety of platforms. The game also has tons of unique terms as well as phrases that refer to different elements of the game. Knowing what the different terms in the game mean can be very useful. One such unique term in the game is “journey”. This article is therefore regarding what does journey mean in Terraria.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the latest information you need regarding what the term “journey” mean in the game by reading below.
What does journey mean in Terraria?
The term “journey” in the game, Terraria simply refers to the optional game mode in the game. Likewise, it is a game mode that players can choose when creating new characters as well as worlds in the game. There are tons of unique features as well as gameplay elements that make this game mode a popular one. This in-game option includes customization options that are not available on the other modes of the game. Thus, when a player uses the term or sees the term in the game, it simply refers to the Journey game mode option.
What is the Journey Mode in the game?
The Journey Mode option in the game is a unique game mode that allows players to customize different gameplay elements. Unlike the classic mode of the game, this game mode option allows players to customize items, time, weather, as well as difficulty level of the game. This mode gives players tools at the start of the game that allows them to research as well as duplicate items. On the other hand, players who want more traditional survival gameplay can play the Classic Mode. Players receive minimal tools at the start of the game in this mode.
This was an article regarding what the term “journey” mean in Terraria. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.