Two Point Campus is one of the most engaging business oriented games presently. Serving as a sequel to the successful and popular game ‘Two Point Hospital’ released back in 2018, it does justice to the series. The game involves the implementation of various real-time decision-making strategies thus making it an engaging game. This article covers how to increase Campus Level in Two Point Campus. Keep reading the article further for more details.
Two Point Campus: How To Increase Campus Level
There are Course Points in the game and they can only be earned by increasing the Campus level. This is not equivalent to a Campus star rating, but you have to increase your Campus Level in order to get multiple Stars in an individual Campus.
You will have to complete certain challenges in order to increase the Campus’s Star Rating. You can increase your Campus’ Rating in the following ways:
- By creating new rooms.
- By acquiring (buying) additional land and by building infrastructures on it.
- By hiring more staff and by admitting more students to the campus programs.
- By trying to increase the prestige of as many rooms as possible to the maximum extent.
You can have a look at your Campus Level by navigating to the ‘Campus Overview’ option available on your screen in the bottom left corner. In the menu section, you will also be able to see how your Campus is progressing considering all the aspects. There is a tab named the ‘Advice’ tab, and by clicking on the tab you will be able to see tips on how to improve your campus.
Room Prestige is one of the most important things one needs to consider in order to increase the Campus Level in the game. It will help you a lot in increasing your Campus Level since it is one of the easiest ways to increase the overall attractiveness of the campus. All you have to do is to add useful items along with the ones which can improve rooms’ ambiance i.e. by adding decorative objects. Just make sure to place the things where they should be, and not to clutter the room since it would not add to the attractiveness scale, instead it may deteriorate the score.
This was all about how to increase your Campus Level in Two Point Campus. Keep following DigiStatement for all the latest gaming-related updates.