To Your Eternity is a renowned fantasy shonen manga that is written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima, and was first released in November of 2016 and still continues its original run to the present day. The plot of the manga follows an immortal being named Fushi, who has been sent to Earth by a mysterious entity known as the Beholder, who reveals to Fushi that his purpose is to preserve information and experiences from our planet. Fushi takes on many different forms on Earth, the most prominent one being an abandoned village boy and his wolf. Fushi is initially emotionless but begins to feel and develop sentiments due to his interactions with human beings.
To Your Eternity has received wide acclaim in Japan due to the well-developed and impactful storytelling, as well as excellently thoughtful character arcs. The popularity of Oima’s manga led to the creation of a 20-episode anime series that was initially scheduled to release in October of 2020 but was pushed back to April 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing as the manga series has received Manga of the Year accolades and the anime series is streaming worldwide on Crunchyroll and Netflix, Oima and the other owners of the Intellectual Property of To Your Eternity could be looking to cash in on the increased popularity and interest in To Your Eternity to announce a new video game for major consoles like the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Seeing as there is yet to be any official confirmation of there being plans in place for a To Your Eternity game, we could be facing a wait till around 2023 or early 2024 before the game is released, assuming the game is announced in the near future, around when the anime series ends.
We hope you enjoyed this coverage of the potential To Your Eternity game. Make sure to check out our other articles on the Mars Red game, the Peach Boy Riverside game, and the potential Desperados 4. Cheers!