The Good Fight is an American legal, political drama produced by Robert king and created by Michelle King. The series premiered on 19th February 2017. It had 10 episodes. The series got a quick start in ratings and became one of the best drama series on Television.
If we take a quick look upon the background story or base of this series, then we can say that it follows a story of a lady named Diane Lockhart, who loses her everything, her employment after an enormous financial scam. This destroys her life and her family. Due to this scam, she even loses her reputation, and her daughter Maia is also not happy with her.
Daine’s earnings lead them to join Lucca Quinn. This is known as one of Chicago’s preeminent Law firms. And here, the story begins with her struggle on how to prove herself right and get everything back that she has lost because of some manipulative and corrupted people in her law firm.
The Good Fight Season 4 Release Date :
It has been officially announced that the series is returning with its fourth season. People are eagerly waiting for it. So not keeping much suspense about the final release date, let me tell you that season four is going to hit the screens on April 9, 2020. Yes, it’s just four days to go.
Expected story plot for season 4::
Season 4 will be quite exciting to watch because this season finds an African American law firm. And in the middle of the series, we will see that Reddick Boseman and Lockhart are on some different missions. They are navigating a very different landscape. But in all of this, they lose their biggest client, and also their founding partner’s name got tarnished. They are left with no choice, and they are forced to accept an offer by a huge multinational law firm. Here we will see that STR Laurie is going to become a small subsidiary. Initially, STR seems like Benevolent overlords. All the other members find themselves in stress and think about their loss of independence.
So this is all that we have onboard, disclosing further will ruin all the fun and excitement that you will witness while watching.
Stay tuned!!