Saipark in Temtem is an area with a higher encounter rate for Luma or stronger Temtem. It is an endgame zone you will explore after completing the story. So, if you have completed the story and wondering how to get to Saipark, follow the Temtem guide to get to Saipark.
How To Get To Saipark In Temtem
First, make sure that you have obtained the Rock-Hopping Hook by progressing enough in the story mode because you will need the item to enter the area. After getting the hook, head towards the island of Deniz and to Route 1. Before getting in, you will need to pay an entrance fee based on the rarity level of the week’s Temtem in the zone. You will need to pick up a unique Temcards called Saicard to enter the zone.
How Saipark Works
As mentioned earlier, the zone allows you to catch rare Temtem. Only two Temtem will roam around the zone and change during the weekly reset. Temtem can have different bonuses include increased Luma catch rate, egg moves, or having guaranteed minimum SVs.
The entry fees, SaiCards will also disappear with the weekly reset, so use all of them before the reset. You can purchase more during the week at increase prices.
This was all about Saipark and Weekly Reset; stay tuned for more updates and news regarding Temtem.