Telegram, a cross-platform mobile messaging app for smartphones which allows users to send and receive messages, photos, secure conversations is currently down & facing an outage at many locations. Many users are not been able to download media & see new messages.
The issue is widespread & has affected many users. They have taken the route of forums & microblogging sites to express the ongoing issues and concerns. Have a look at a few complaints down below.
@telegram Telegram server is down for some Brazilians guys ?.
— PR1V7 (@pr1v7bot) March 13, 2020
Hey @telegram. Is your service currently down for the Eastern US, or is it just my home network?
— TaxBeast (@TaxBeast) March 13, 2020
is telegram down for anyone….? I'm getting notifications occasionally but can't load or send any new messages.
— Janine Sataria ? (@flaplette) March 13, 2020
Down Detector, an outage tracking website, also confirms that Telegram servers are currently having technical problems. Have a look at the current outage map down below.
Rest assured, we’re keeping a close eye on all related developments, and will update the story with relevant info as and when we come across any. So in case, you’re encountering the issues discussed here, stay tuned for updates.