Set in the Star Wars universe, Star Wars Jedi Survivor is the latest installment in the Star Wars video game series. Successor to the 2019-released, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Out, this game continues its story after 5 years as the galaxy has entered more darkness. As the legendary story is getting a comeback, the fans are highly pumped to witness this game in their localized language. Among all the regions in the world, Ukraine accounts for a considerable amount of the game’s fans, and therefore, many Ukrainian fans of Star Wars Jedi Survivor wonder whether the game would be available in their localized language or not. If you are also looking for an answer to this question, then you are at the right place. Read this guide till the end to find out everything about this topic.
Ukrainian language Support in other games
The demand for Ukrainian Language support has significantly increased in recent times. There is no doubt in the fact that there are a lot of gamers that come from the Ukraine region and therefore, there are many gamers that get the benefit of Ukrainian language support in a particular game. Playing the game in the localized language not only gives a sense of belongingness but also helps players understand the game well. But, does the upcoming game, Star Wars Jedi Survivor has support for the Ukrainian Language? Let’s find out.
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Ukrainian language Support
Since there are a lot of fans of the Star Wars universe in Ukraine, Star Wars Jedi Survivor already has a huge fan base in the country. The Star Wars video game fans will surely give an immense boost to the game’s sales if Ukrainian Language support is present. But unfortunately, Ukrainian does not exist currently in the list of Supported Languages for the game. The supported languages of this game include the following languages:
- English
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish – Spain
- Japanese
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese – Brazil
- Simplified Chinese
- Spanish – Latin America
- Traditional Chinese
Out of all these languages, only Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese do not have Audio Support. That being said, the supported language pool in the game can be increased to cater to a wide audience, and it will eventually boost the game’s sales in the long run.
To sum it up, Ukrainian language is currently not supported in the upcoming Star Wars game. Hopefully, the game developers would understand this thing and will introduce the same in the future. This brings us to the end of this guide. It was everything about Ukrainian Langauge Support in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. If you found this guide helpful, share it with your friends.
Related: Star Wars Jedi Survivor PS4, Xbox One, & Nintendo Switch Release Date