Shaman King is a multicultural Japanese manga series that was developed by and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei, who chose a very sparsely explored topic for a manga series in the form of Shamanism, reportedly to make sure the series was fresh and did not fall into any cliche tropes. A trading card game for Shaman King began in 2005, with Blockbuster (now Netflix) owning the rights to its USA release at one point in time. In this article, we will be taking a look at the possibility of a Shaman King game being developed for mainstream consoles like the PlayStations, Xbox, and Windows. Right, let’s get straight into it.
There is indeed a video game title in the Shaman King universe that was released in 2021, and this is merely a Google Play Store and iOS app store game. It is a 2D pixelated runner game, similar to the likes of the classic Mario games. Suffice it to say that this game did not really make any impact to quench the thirst of Shaman King lovers for a big-budget game based on the manga series.
There have already been thirteen (!) video game titles based on Shaman King characters, with most being released for the PlayStation 2 and GameBoy Advance. This series of games was developed by renowned studio Konami in partnership with 4Kids Entertainment and were released only in North America and Europe around 2004 till 2006, separate from the Japanese versions of these games, which began releasing all the way back in 2001.
Considering the fact that volumes of the series have been ranked in listings of best-selling manga in the United States from The New York Times, and is among the ranks of the best-selling manga in Japan, it is quite surprising to see that there have been no major games based on the characters from this series for a decade and a half now. Let’s hope that a developer is agreed upon soon, so we can experience a brand new Shaman King game around 2024.
We hope you enjoyed this article on the potential Shaman King game. Make sure to check out our other articles on Dead or Alive 7, Control 2, and the various Fortnite crossovers.