The enduring popularity of classic PS3 games persists among a dedicated gaming community, drawing players keen on revisiting the cherished titles of their childhood. This nostalgia extends to newer gamers who, despite being born after the release of iconic PS3 games like Demon’s Souls and others, express curiosity to experience the acclaimed titles that defined a gaming era. Fortunately, with the emulation capabilities and on-the-go nature of the Steam Deck, users can explore these timeless classics on a handheld device. That being said, in this guide, we will go over some popular PS3 games and discuss their compatibility and performance on the Steam Deck, particularly through the RPCS3 emulator.
The availability of the RPCS3 emulator running on the Steam Deck has ignited considerable interest among gamers eager to delve into the world of PS3 classics. This emulation capability opens up new possibilities, allowing players to experience the acclaimed titles originally designed for the PS3 on the compact and portable Steam Deck. As a result, a growing community of players is actively exploring the potential of running their favorite PS3 games on this versatile handheld device, creating a bridge between the past and the present in gaming. But, before you install the emulator, you must know which games are compatible with the Steam Deck.
RPCS3 Steam Deck compatibility list
Before we get into the list of all the compatible games with RPCS3 on the Steam Deck, you first need to understand the different categories under which each game’s compatibility can be ranked. These are Perfect, Playable, In-game, and Unplayable. We have explained each status below; check it out.
- Perfect: Games labeled as “Perfect” exhibit flawless performance with stable framerates, minimal graphical glitches, and no major issues. These titles are considered fully functional and enjoyable on RPCS3.
- Playable: Games categorized as “Playable” are functional and can be experienced, but they may have occasional issues such as fluctuating framerates, graphical glitches, or other minor disruptions. Despite these imperfections, the games are still considered playable.
- In Game: Titles marked as “In Game” imply that the game can be launched and progresses beyond the initial startup, allowing users to navigate menus or explore certain aspects of the game. However, significant issues may prevent completing the entire game or experiencing it without major disruptions.
- Unplayable: Games classified as “Unplayable” encounter critical issues that hinder the gaming experience. This could include frequent crashes, severe graphical glitches, or other major obstacles preventing users from effectively playing the game on RPCS3.
List of games
Now that you know about the different categories, here is a list of all the games and their status with RPCS3 on the Steam Deck.
- 50 Cent Blood in the Sand (Both EUR and US Versions)
- Afterburner Climax
- Dragon’s Crown
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2
- God of War HD Collection
- Ico and Shadows of the colossus HD
- Lollipop Chainsaw
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Pure
- Ragnarok Odyssey ACE
- Rain
- Scott Pilgrim vs The World Scott Pilgrim vs The World
- Silent Hill Collection
- Sonic CD
- The Simpsons Game
- Tokyo Jungle Tokyo Jungle
- Tron Evolution
- Virtua Tennis 3
- Virtual Fighter 5
- Virtual Fighter 5
- Tales of Graces
- Tales of Xillia
- Tales of Xillia 2
- Armored Core For Answer Armored Core For Answer
- Asura’s Wrath
- Demon’s Souls
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
- Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage
- Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2
- Green Lantern Rise of Manhunters Green Lantern Rise of Manhunters
- Heavenly Sword
- Little Big Planet
- Metal Gear Solid 2 HD
- MotorStorm: Complete Edition
- NCAA 14
- Persona 5
- Ratchet & Clank HD Collection Ratchet & Clank HD Collection
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Resistance: Fall of Man Resistance: Fall of Man
- Silent Hill Downpour
- Skylanders Trap Team
- The Darkness
- Transformers Devastation
- The Godfather
- Wolverine Origins
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Wanted: Weapons of Fate
- The Amazing Spiderman
- God of War Origins HD Collection
In Game:
- 3D Dot Game Heroes
- Darksiders
- Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn
- Skate 3
- Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground
- Metal Gear Solid 3 HD
- Armored Core V
- Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
- Gran Turismo 5
- Gran Turismo 6
- Killzone 2
- Motorstorm
- Red Dead Redemption
- Splatterhouse
- Transformers FOC
- Uncharted 1
- Uncharted 2
In a nutshell, the provided list encompasses various games tested on the RPCS3 emulator for Steam Deck, each categorized based on their compatibility status. We hope this information has addressed any uncertainties regarding game performance on the emulator. That being said, for all your gaming-related inquiries, always visit DigiStatement first. Read more: Crab Champions Unable to Move/Shoot Gun Bug: Is there any fix yet