Anime warriors was released on August 14, 2021, on the Roblox Platform, it is developed by BlockZone, the game since its release has had over 3.8 million visits, 72,000 favorites, and a new glitch being exploited, this glitch allows players to get infinite amounts of Exp and Gems in Anime Warriors.
The game allows you to play as an anime character from popular and mainstream anime, you can upgrade these characters and even team up with your friends to defeat enemies.
They have announced on their official Roblox page that an update will be released by August 13, 2021, and this glitch will most probably be patched by then.
To upgrade your characters and earn crystal faster, follow our step-by-step guide on how you can take advantage of this glitch before it gets patched.
Unlimited EXP and Crystal
To do this you will need two characters, Minato and Vegeta, Minato for his dash abilities, and Vegeta for his long-range attacks.
- Go to the adventure mode tab
- Select “Endless Chunin Exams” missions and choose the “Overkill” mode.
- Once in-game, run towards the small indented parts of the arena wall using Minato
- Use Minato’s Yellow flash ability aimed at this indented part to glitch outside the map
- Once glitched outside the map, the enemies won’t be able to attack you anymore as they won’t be able to glitch out of the arena
- Use long-ranged attacks using Minato or Vegeta, you’ll be able to go for as many waves as you wish, collecting large amounts of Exp and crystals.
It should be mentioned that this glitch might be quickly patched as it is quite game-breaking and with the game’s recent release, the developers will want everything working smoothly.
To play Anime warriors on Roblox, you can launch the game from here
To know more about the game, read our article on earning 1500 crystals in an hour here