Anime Warriors was released on August 14, 2021, built on the Roblox platform, it allows you to play as any of the popular characters from mainstream anime.
The game has an in-game currency called crystals, this can only be obtained via missions. However, there has been a glitch found by a YouTuber named Gamingcraft which allows you to mass farm crystals, gaining up to 1500 crystals every hour.
This is a bit of a lengthy process, hence we will break it down for you in a step-by-step guide.
How to farm 1500 crystals in Anime warriors
You will need a character with some form of a dash and long-ranged attacks such as Kid Gohan or Minato but any character with a dash is good enough, this is a very important prerequisite to profit off this unpatched glitch.
Once you have a character that you can use then re-direct yourself to adventure mode and select the “Endless Chunin Exams” mission and select the “Overkill” mode.
We will now list the steps which you have to follow below.
- Once in-game, defeat your enemies but you have to leave one enemy alive
- This may take a while since they attack grouped up so we would suggest dashing around to try and create distance between them
- Once you have been successfully able to leave one enemy alive, guide them to the faraday cage-like wall, they should be next to the large cylindrical pipes.
- The goal here is to get your enemy stuck behind that caged wall so they cant pursue for a short time
- Once you’ve been able to get the enemy stuck then run to the differently colored indented area on the walls, once there then you have to face forward and dash backwards into the wall
- This may take a few tries but once successful then you’ll be placed outside the arena, run over to the enemy, and guide them to the indented part of the wall
- A note to remember is that you are still outside the wall, so you’ll have to run around to the enemy, do not enter back into the arena.
- Once done then kill the last enemy and allow the next round to start
- The enemies won’t be able to glitch through the wall and hence you will be able to kill wave after wave, using long ranged attacks as short range will lead you to take damage as well.
Doing this for an hour or more should bring you close to 1500 crystals.
It should be mentioned that there are chances this has already been patched because being able to glitch outside the map is definitely not a unique feature of Anime warriors.