Note: This post has been updated on October 29. Check out the updated content at the end of this post.
5.1 PATCH UPDATE – 26 Oct
The latest PUBG update is already here. The new update brings new 5.1 patch across PC, PS4 & Xbox platforms. With the new update, Bluehole Studio is rolling out the new season – Season 5 for all the platforms. Well, the latest patch also brings a lot more than the new season and survivor pass.
OVERVIEW – Miramar, the desert map is getting refreshed with new and updated content. The loot on the map has been improved, especially for the DMRs and other long-range rifles to make players engage in long-range fights. Now, Win94 will be available exclusively to the desert map with some additional features. Win94 will be available with an undetachable 2.5x scope.
Other exciting features in the update include the new Vending Machine, which supplies supporting items, new Throwing feature, which allows the players to toss supporting items to teammates.
Season 5 also brings the new Survivor Pass, Badlands to the game, with an updated mission system and new challenges. A lot of new Badland skins have been added to the game to customize the Battleground look.
Below, we gave mentioned the full patch notes for the new 5.1 update. Make sure to check out the full information.
Full Patch Notes – (5.1 Update)
1. Miramar, refreshed
- A LA Muerte Vamos Track
- A race track has been added, which was the venue for A La Muerte Vamos in Miramar.
- You can now find newly added objects like ramps, loops, jumps and signboards across Miramar
- New Gold Mirado
- A Gold Mirado has been added to Miramar, which can only be found parked at the garage in Hacienda del Patron.
- Some terrain in Hacienda del Patron has been adjusted to let you ride the Gold Mirado out safely.
- Only one Gold Mirado spawns each match.
- Spring-cleaned Miramar
- Removed some small objects and trash in and around buildings to reduce clutter and make movement easier when looting.
Improved Miramar item spawn balance
- The spawn rates of weapons and scopes effective at long-range have been increased to better suit the long-range engagements commonly had across Miramar.
- AR – 12% increase
- DMR – 29% increase
- SR – 42% increase
- Win94 – 30% increase
- Scopes – 18% increase
- Pistol spawn rate reduced by 31%.
- The spawn rates of helmets, bags, and vests have been increased slightly.
2. Vending Machine
Vending machines have been placed in Miramar and Camp Jackal to provide a new looting experience other than picking up items spawned on the floor.
- You can get Painkillers and Energy Drinks from Vending Machines.
- Vending machines are only available in Miramar and Camp Jackal.
- In Miramar, vending machines spawn randomly at set locations.
- Locations: Arenas, Casino, gas stations, Motels and commercial buildings.
- In Camp Jackal, Vending Machines always spawn at the warehouse and gas station.
- If you’re lucky, Vending Machines can dispense many Energy Drinks at once.
3. Community Mission System
Whether you have purchased Premium Pass or not, all players can join hands to fill up the Community accomplishment gauge and claim in-game skin rewards and also unravel the hidden stories of Miramar.
The mission gauge can be filled by finding new mystery collectibles on the Battlegrounds.
- Players who find and open special Cardboard Boxes will be able to loot one of the 3 different objects.
- When collected, they are reflected on the Community mission accomplishment gauge as follows:
- Disc piece: Counts as 1
- Broken disc: Counts as 2
- Old DVD: Counts as 3
- You can check how many discs you have in the session in the inventory.
- Check your contribution points to the community missions from the community mission tab of Survivor Pass.
Season Missions
- There are two tracks of Season Missions: Melee and Badlands.
- Melee Track: Combined missions consisting of 2 missions each (4 missions in total) using melee weapons, which reward 2 melee weapon skins.
- Badlands Track: Combined missions consisting of 4 missions each (8 missions in total), which reward 2 Miramar related skins.
Progression Missions
- Progression Missions give a great amount of XP progressing through missions throughout Season 5. It’s composed of 3 mission tracks and one track for achieving certain milestones.
- Track 1, 2: A series of 10 missions with gradually increasing difficulty, open for all players.
- Track 3: A series of 12 missions with gradually increasing difficulty for players with the Premium Pass.
- Milestone: Missions for reaching certain achievements related to daily, weekly and challenge missions.
- Example: Complete 100 total daily missions
Challenge Missions
- These are high-level challenge missions with which reward using designated weapons.
- First mission of each track: Whether you have purchased Premium Pass or not, earn a t-shirt reward by achieving certain Survivor Pass levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25).
- The second mission of each track: Complete weapon-specific missions while wearing the t-shirt obtained from the first mission.
- Remaining missions in each track: Various weapon-specific missions.
Level-up items for Premium pass mission rewards
- Added level-up items for one of the premium pass mission rewards.
- These items are non-marketable, and they will be activated when the next season(Season 6) starts.
4. Survivor Title System
Survivor Title System Season 5 arrives with changes to the Survivor Points (SP) system.
- Rewards for Survivor Title System Season 4 will be granted at the beginning of Season 5.
- SP will be soft-reset, with your performance in Season 4 counting towards your starting SP in Season 5.
- Survival Point rebalance:
- Novice (1 point) ~ Expert (5000 points)
- To enable players to climb titles easier, we have increased the amount of SP gained each match.
- In this SP bracket, players are not able to lose points, just like previous season.
- Survivor (Over 6000 points)
- If player marks lower than 30% in overall result both considering kills and placement, player will lose title points
- SP cannot be lowered below 6000.
5. Custom Match
At this time, we were unable to provide more options for Custom Match as previously planned. We understand this is something the community has been looking forward to and we apologize for being unable to deliver on the original timeline. Implementation on console is taking longer than expected, however, we will provide more details in the near future. Thank you for your patience!
Custom Match is now available on PS4!
- Players can choose two types of modes to create or join.
- Default settings option or settings provided by PUBG can be played per each mode.
- At least 4 players are required to start the match
- You can keep the game in a waiting room for up to 40 minutes.
- Custom Match does not support Cross Platform Play.
6. Gameplay
Added a feature to throw items to teammates
- Added feature allowing players to throw certain requested items to teammates.
- Items can be thrown a maximum of 15m.
- While running, or in a difficult to reach position, teammates may be unable to throw items to your location.
- Items thrown to you by teammates will be placed directly into your inventory. If your inventory is full, the items will be dropped on the ground at your feet.
Added a melee weapon throwing feature for attack
- You can now use all melee weapons as a throwable tool to attack your enemies.
- Multiple melee weapons now stack in your inventory, allowing you to carry multiple at once.
- There are two different melee damage categories when thrown.
- Machete, Crowbar, Sickle: The maximum throwing distance is 40m and damage will decrease from 75 to 25 based on the distance.
- Pan: The maximum throwing distance is shorter than other melee at only 30m but the damage range is 90 to 40 based on distance.
- To inflict the most damage, you must hit within 15m. Damage will begin to drop off from 15-30/40m distance.
- From within 15m distance, one melee throw to the head can kill enemy players without helmets.
Erangel Specific Changes
- Red Zones are no-longer spawned after Phase 3.
- Vehicle spawn rates have slightly been increased on regular and mountain roads.
Radio Message
- As promised, the radio message has returned with improvements. The improved radio message will have 2 control options which can be used for convenience or to fit the battle style of each player.
- Quick Ping is now available.
7. UI/UX
Improved Customize UI
- Categories have been unified by part and a filtering feature has been added, allowing for a detailed checking on each part.
- You can check multi-slot(Top+bottoms, Hair+face, etc) items from each category as well as multi-slot category.
- When you acquire one or more new items, the highest category (e.g. wardrobe, weapon, gear) now shows the number of the acquired items and the subcategory (e.g. head, torso, legs, feet) shows a yellow marker.
Improved In-game UI
- Shooting mode display has been improved to allow for a more detailed view of ammo information.
- The in-game key guide icon has been improved.
- Some texts displayed in the training mode have been changed to better fit the training mode.
Improved Lobby UI
- Reduced the amount of time to Hold keys to start/cancel matchmaking from 2 seconds to 1 second.
- Start: A(Xbox)/X(PS4)
- Cancel: B(Xbox)/O(PS4)
- Changed the News and Events banner activation from Click R-Stick(Xbox)/R3(PS4) to Hold R-Stick(Xbox)/R3(PS4)
8. Store
- Preview feature is now available on the STORE page.
- New items are available with Season 5
- PUBG – Badlands Pack
- PUBG – Supply Pack: Season 5
- There are few changes regards to receiving the items from DLCs
- Purchased DLCs will now be sent to CUSTOMIZE → UTILITY → CRATE as a single crate
- Players will need to open the crate to receive the items
- G-Coins, Premium Pass and Level Up tickets will be sent to CUSTOMIZE → UTILITY → ETC after the crates have been opened. Each needs to be activated to receive.
- G-Coin
- 5 BattleStat Weapon Skins
- Pass: Badlands Premium Pass ticket
- 4 Pass: Badlands Level up tickets
- PGC Set (11/6 Release)
- BP
- 6 BattleStat Weapon Skins
9. Sound
- Driving sound volume has been reduced for some vehicles.
- UAZ, Bike, Motorbike w/ Sidecar, Snowbike, Mirado, Zima, Minibus and BRDM-2
- The audible range, frequency and volume of the insect buzzing sound heard in and around some buildings has been reduced.
- The volume of water-related ambient sounds including wave and river sounds, has been reduced.
- The sound of Ledge Grab on wooden and metal objects has been changed to better fit the material.
10. Performance
- Cities in Erangel have been optimized to improve some hitching and freezing issues.
- Physics engine of vehicles has been optimized to improve client and server performance.
11. Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with constant collision noises when a vehicle is stationary against objects/terrain.
- Fixed visual issue with specific coat skin moving abnormally while in the lobby.
- Fixed an issue where frame drop occurs intermittently in Training mode.
- Fixed an issue where dynamic weather effects would disappear for players who had when reconnected to a match after disconnecting.
- Fixed an issue where walking through certain water puddles produced no footstep sounds.
- Fixed an issue where the chambering animation did not reflect the number of loaded bullets when canceling the S1897 reload.
- Fixed an issue where melee weapon damage was not applied to vehicles.
- Fixed an issue when spectating which caused backpack and vest status to appear incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where players are sometimes unable to hear their own crouched footsteps while barefoot and moving in a puddle.
- Fixed visual issues affecting the character’s feet look when wearing Leo Jumpsuit and Ghillie Suit together.
- Fixed an issue where the character’s body will get transparency when equipping both Leo jumpsuit and a specific jacket.
- Fixed an issue where certain item names are cut off.
- Fixed an issue where the 1000 BP will be shown as 1000 PB in the coupon shop when the language is set to Polish.
- Fixed an issue where the weight gauge in inventory does not change when picking up the first item while inventory is open.
- Fixed an issue where the perspective change made by the party leader is not shown to party members.
Stay tuned for more updates. And follow @DigiStatement on Twitter for more news and updates.