Project Cars is a racing simulation franchise developed by Slightly Mad Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment that dates back all the way to 2005 when its first iteration was released. The franchise is still going strong, with Project Cars 3 being released in August of 2020 to mostly average and mediocre reviews. In this article, we will be talking about the possibility of Slightly Mad working on the fourth mainline instalment of the franchise, presumably titled Project Cars 4. Right, let’s get into it.
The CEO of Slightly Mad Studios, Ian Bell, tweeted out a bunch of information about Project Cars 4 in December of 2020, and the entire thread of info that he posted has since been deleted. Obviously, nothing that has been posted on the internet can ever truly be erased from existence, so fans pretty much know everything Bell meant to delete.
First up, one of the major turn-offs for players of Project Cars 3 was the fact that pit stops were removed completely. What this meant is that cars tyres never experienced wear, and they could change compound magically according to the weather. Considering the fact that Project Cars is a simulation and not an arcade racing franchise, this move was not well received at all. Bell seemed to understand this feedback and revealed that “given player and fan feedback, we’re dialling realism up to 11 this time. We’re going nads to the wall in every single area you can think of!”. He then mentioned a new mechanic in the game whereby leaves on the sides of the road can be whipped up due to the speed of a car and land on your windscreen.
Seeing as the info revealed last year is quite promising, we can hope for a return to good old simulation physics and racing with pit stops in Project Cars 4, around 2022 or early 2023.
We hope you enjoyed this article on the Project cars franchise. Make sure to check out our other articles on Dead or Alive 7, Control 2, and the various Fortnite crossovers.