Flying-type pokemon are well known for their agility in both anime and pokemon games that are very mobile. They are also effective against bug and fighting-type pokemon and with proper training and leveling up, they can be very powerful. One of the things that you can do to upgrade them is by having them learn powerful moves. However, new players can have a hard time picking good flying moves that might not be that effective against certain opponents. This is where this guide comes in. If you wish to teach your flying-type pokemon some good moves, we have laid out the best ones. Continue reading the article to know the top 5 best flying type moves in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Top 5 and best Flying-type Moves in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Sky Attack
Sky Attack is a physical flying-type move that is one of the most powerful moves in the game. The disadvantage of using this move is that your pokemon charges in the first turn and then attacks in the next turn instead. The bonus effect of this move is that it has a 30% chance of making your opponents flinch.
- Power – 140
- Accuracy – 90
- PP (Max PP) – 5 (8)
Brave Bird
Brave Bird is another move that your flying-type pokemon can benefit from learning. It is a physical flying type move with good specs. However, if used by your pokemon, they take recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage inflicted. Check out its other stats below.
- Power – 120
- Accuracy – 100
- PP (Max PP) – 15 (24)
Hurricane is a special flying type move and is the third-best move after Brave Bird in terms of power and accuracy. If used against opponents, it has a 30% chance of confusing them and damaging them using Sky Drop, Fly, or Bounce.
- Power – 110
- Accuracy – 70
- PP (Max PP) – 10 (16)
Fly is another excellent physical flying type move with decent stats and can be useful if used the right way. The effect of using this move is that your pokemon is semi-invulnerable during the first turn and attacks in the second turn. Even if the opponent uses attacks like Sky Uppercut, Gust, Helping Hand, etc, it will still hit them. Check out its stat below.
- Power – 90
- Accuracy – 95
- PP (Max PP) – 15 (24)
The last move that we’ve shared in this list is the physical flying type move called Bounce. It has the same effect as Fly, however, it has a 30% chance of paralyzing the opponent. Check out its other stats below.
- Power – 85
- Accuracy – 85
- PP (Max PP) – 5 (8)
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