Updated : New updates have been added to the bottom of the post
Coronavirus pandemic has forced many countries to go into lockdown since last two months & it has claimed so many precious lives. This unprecedented outbreak of disease has infected over 3.4 million people worldwide. The number of Coronavirus cases are still increasing & many countries have extended the lockdown.
This pandemic has also affected many major sporting events including Wimbledon & Olympics. Many gaming & tech events also got postponed due to this unprecedented outbreak. Homestay of people due to the lockdown has increased the activity of gamers & it can be observed on Twitch charts.
Many gaming are also giving free in-game rewards to encourage homestay. Well, there is good news for Pokemon Go players as Niantic is giving free rewards to players by means of promo codes.
Not one or two, Niantic is offering today three promo codes for exciting rewards which can be redeemed through the below mentioned link & steps. You can check out the promo codes & rewards down below.
DYEZ7HBXCRUZ6EP – 30 Greatballs + 30 Pinap Berries-
H7APT5ZTLM45GZV – 30 Pokeballs-
P2XEAW56TSLUXH3 – 30 Ultraballs + 30 Max Revives + 30 Pinap Berries
To redeem an offer code on the web:
- Visit this website.
- Log in using the same credentials you use to access your Pokémon GO account.
- Enter your offer code.
- After successfully redeeming an offer code, a message will display the items added to your inventory.
To redeem an offer code on the web with Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts
Offer code redemption on the web is currently unavailable for users with PTC accounts. If you log in using PTC, you can link another login provider to your account and login via that account to redeem your offer code.
To redeem a offer code in-app (Android only)
- In the Map View, tap the Main Menu button.
- Tap the Shop button.
- At the bottom of the screen, enter the offer code in the text field.
- Tap Redeem.
Note: In-app offer code redemption is currently only available on Android devices. If you use an iOS device, please use the website linked above to redeem your offer code.
Update 1
According to Serebii report, the new promo codes have been expired.