A series of events happen so that all the Straw Hat pirate is assembled at one place, ready for some major action, and beat the everloving shit outta Kaido’s troops, currently, it looks like their target will be King and Queen if Big Mom doesn’t interfere again of course.
In the last chapter, we saw Minks in their sulong forms fighting Jack and the troops he brought there. Momo got freed by Sanji and Shinobu, Sanji got into a fight with King but King pushed him out to a wall using his attack in Pteranodon form. And at the end of the previous chapter, Big Mom was attacking Luffy and Nami but Franky and Brook ram a motorbike on Big Mom’s Face. Franky must have balls of steel to do that to a freaking Yonko.
Let’s now discuss the raw scans of this week’s chapter. Nami tells Franky to run after what he did to Big Mom, but he refused and stood on the ground to fight. He is about to shoot a beam at Big Mom but three more numbers arrive there. Numbers are a failed version of ancient giants that Kaido brought from Punk Hazard. One of the numbers is holding Brachio Tank with Chopper and Usopp. While Robin and Jimbei try to push back Big Mom, Franky is ready to assemble Franky Shogun (it’s super!!! time). Sanji is also fine thanks to his suit. Luffy meets Zoro on the way to Kaido, but Queen throws them down to the ground, and King with flying gifters is blocking the way to Kaido.
Check out Raw Scans here
The latest chapter was released on the 24th of August 2020. And since it was on a break, the next chapter is scheduled to release on the 6th of September 2020 on the official sources like Viz.com.
Regularly visit our website to keep track of updates and schedules regarding the manga. We will update you if any changes take place.
Also, we, here at DigiStatement, do not support any kind of illegal sources. We encourage you to read the chapters from official sources only if possible.
You can read the latest chapter of One Piece online as soon as they are released on VIZ media and Shueisha’s manga plus official websites and Apps. Note that the raw scans for new chapters are usually released 2-3 days in advance. So make sure you read your manga from the official websites as this will help the manga creators.