If you are looking for information regarding NBA 2K22 Season 10 release date & season 9 end date, you have come to the right place. NBA 2K22 is a very popular game in the flagship basketball franchise. Likewise, it is a game of choice for fans of basketball. The game also has a Seasonal Update system where each new season brings content as well as features to the game. Many players are thus looking forward to the tenth season of the game. This article is therefore regarding NBA 2K22 Season 10 release date and whether it will be released.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the latest information you need regarding NBA 2K22 Season 10 release date and season 9 end date.
NBA 2K22 Season 10 release date: Is it coming out
Unfortunately, there are currently no official details on the release date of Season 10 of the game. This is because season 10 of the game is not coming out at all. It is because Season 9 is the last season of NBA 2K22. Likewise, Season 9 is the last as well as the final season of the game. This is the last season for updated awards for MyCareer, new end games, invincibility rewards for MyTeam, as well as others. Season 9 started on August 12, 2022. In previous seasons of the game, the upcoming season usually starts after the end date of the previous season. However, the end of Season 9 will not bring the start of a new season. This is mainly because NBA 2K23 has been released.
NBA 2K23 came out on September 9, 2022. Therefore, the tenth season is already due to start for NBA 2K22. However, there are no more new seasons coming to the game. This may be disappointing for players who want more content as well as features for the game. Although this may be the case for NBA 2K22, NBA 2K23 is now available with new features as well as new content.
This was an article regarding the Season 10 release date for the game as well as the season 9 end date. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.