The League of Legends Season 11 patch, patch 11.1, has been announced for Tuesday night through Wednesday! It will therefore be live on Wednesday, January 6.
As of 01/06/2021 03:30 GMT, Ranked Queues will be deactivated in anticipation of Patch 11.1. As of 06/01/2021 05:00 GMT, the servers will be deactivated and all games in progress will end in a draw. Statistics for these games will not be recorded. Battlegrounds will be unavailable for approximately 3 hours.
-Riot Games on Patch 11.1 (Source)
Riot has therefore confirmed the arrival of Patch 11.1, the very first patch of season 11, for tonight! On the program: new Marauder and Purifier skins and plenty of champion and item balances ahead of the Season 11 League of Legends launch.
Contents of patch 11.1
- Quinn and Gragas purifiers
- Marauder Kled, Xin Zhao and Kalista
Champion changes
- Buffs: Gnar, Yasuo, Yone, Kayne
- Nerfs: Akali, Anivia, Galio, Fiddlesticks, Master Yi, Olaf
- Smoothed base stats for many champions
Changes to objects
- Bleeding items: Bleeding duration increased: 2 seconds → 3 seconds
- Buffs: Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Moonstone Renewer, Luden’s Tempest, Shurelya’s Battle song, Archangel’s Staff, Seraph’s Embrace,
- Balances: Runaan’s Hurriacan, Manamune, Muraman, Trinity Force, Hextech Rocket Belt, Eviscerator, Mutilator, Duskblade of Draktharr, Prowler’s Claws
- Nerfs: Imperial Mandate, Solar Aegis
Changes to the runes
- Buff: Cosmic Knowledge
- Balancing: Ultimate Hunter
- New Summoner Icons
- New emotes
As usual, these changes are on the PBE test servers, but some of them may not be added to the live servers tonight! Follow us for more League of Legends news and updates.