In this article, we will try and provide as many fixes as possible for any error while buying RP in League of Legends. It shouldn’t be too hard to fix, so read on to find out more!
Ensure your windows is up-to-date
First up, you will want to make sure that you are running the game in the latest version of Windows. To do this, simply type into the Windows search bar, “Updates”. You will find the wizard named “Check for updates”. Click and run it. This will cause your windows to check and automatically install the latest updates. Quite often, this alone can solve your error. If it didn’t don’t worry, we have a few more approaches.
Update system drivers
Click on start and open up your Settings. Click on “Update and Security” and then “Windows Update” from the left sidebar. Click on the “Check for Updates” button, and windows will automatically find and install all the latest updates to your device drivers including your desktop, printer, mice, etc. Alternatively, you can do this from Device Manager individually. Try to launch your game and buy RP again.
Automated Troubleshooter from Riot Games.
You can download an automated troubleshooter for League of Legends from this link. You can use this wizard to find and solve any problems regarding the game, and even compile your system information and error into a zip file to send to Riot Games. Quite the all-rounder, if you ask me.
Suspend firewall software
There is a chance that your third party or Windows antivirus software may be causing the game to misbehave. Temporarily suspend these services and see if that fixes the problem. If you are not comfortable doing this, you can reach out to your security provider and ask them if the service might be interfering with League of Legends
Your last resort is to contact RiotGames Support.