ABOUT The Division 2 – Division 2, the sequel to Tom Clancy’s The Division, was launched back in 2016. The Division is one of the popular online action role-playing games published by Ubisoft. Division 2 has millions of active players and if you are one of them, you might have come across the server down the issue of Division 2.
Well, we are here to assist you out if you are wondering and trying to find out why you can not play Division 2 for now. Actually, there can be a lot of reasons for the same. The servers of the game might have gone down, because of which you can’t log-in to the game. The servers sometimes go offline because of a technical fault. But, most of the time, developers intentionally take down the servers for regular maintenance or to roll-out the latest updates to the game for new content.
We have created this post to keep you updated on the server status of the Division & Division 2 game. You can check out this post every time you face issues related to the game. Also, follow our new official Twitter handle (@DigiStatement) for the updated content.
The server status updates mentioned here are based on the official statement by the company. We will update the post as soon as possible. Also, we will be adding the newly updated content at the end of this post.
January 14 – Server Maintenance
Division 2 is currently down for server maintenance. According to the official tweet by Ubisoft, the game servers have been taken offline for maintenance. The expected downtime for the servers is 3 hours.
Check out the official tweet by Ubisoft below –