Stranger Things is an extremely popular Netflix show that follows a group of teenage friends that discover supernatural events in the forest and uncover illegal government exploits. The show was created by the Duffer brothers, and first released in 2016. The show incorporates elements of science-fiction and horror into an investigative drama where a few teenagers are the main investigators. The show is said to be inspired by illicit governmental experiments during the Cold War and features Soviet Russia in later seasons. In this article, we will be talking about the possibility of a video game being developed based on the show. Right, let’s get into it.
There are already two Stranger Things games out there, developed and published by BonusXP Inc in collaboration with Netflix. The games use pixelated art that is reminiscent of the time that the show itself is set in. While the first game is set between seasons 1 and 2, there is no second game in the series, with the occasion of the release of the second season simply being marked by a character update to the game. Meanwhile, the second game is called Stranger Things 3: The Game, and features similar gameplay but also allowing for solo gaming, unlike the first game.
The Finnish mobile game developer Next Games announced that they would be releasing a Stranger Things game that would incorporate augmented reality elements to allow players to explore the Upside Down versions of their neighbourhoods. The game was slated for release in 2020 for mobile devices but was delayed, presumably due to the covid-19 pandemic. There has not yet been any news of its release, but we could hope to see the game on our phones later this year.
Let’s hope that the fourth season of the show, which is set to wrap filming in August of this year according to David Harbour, will lead to another extremely fun 80s inspired game sometime in 2021 as well!
We hope you enjoyed this article on the two upcoming Stranger Things games. Make sure to check out our other articles on Dead or Alive 7, Control 2, and the various Fortnite crossovers.