Minecraft is definitely one of the best games in the world. The game is enjoyed by players of all ages, all across the world. However, concerned parents across the world might question the appropriateness of Minecraft for their kids. Is Minecraft Kids Friendly? Let’s find out:
We have covered the game several times. From updates to fixes, the amount of content available on the game and for the game seems endless. The game also happens to be a host of several mods. From size altering mods to adaptations of famous anime shows, Minecraft has everything you would want in a game.
For the uninitiated, Minecraft is a sandbox game, that involves mining. However, the game isn’t just limited to mining. You can do a plethora of activities on Minecraft. Players can farm, fish, cook, craft weapons, enchant items, build houses, and so much more. Players can also slay monsters in the game, which brings us to our question:
Is Minecraft Kids Friendly?
The last line might have thrown off concerned parents reading this article. Minecraft, at its core, is an adventure game. Players can carry out several tasks, all the while trying to survive in the wild. From building houses to mining minerals, most of the game involves survival and world-building.
While at first glance the game might not be much of a concern, the problem arises when players traverse across the map. There are “monsters” or “hostile mobs” as they are referred to, that spawn on the map. These mobs then target players if they appear in close vicinity of them, and you can either attack and slay them or run away. Crafting weapons and enchanting them is a large part of the game dedicated to the same.
For concerned parents, Minecraft does contain mild violence. Players can also go off to the Nether dimension which is depicted as hell-like, with monsters and lava. This might be a point of concern for parents, however, the cartoonish player and world design really mellow down the effect of the environment and other concerning elements. The game also involves mating, which while displays nothing graphic, can lead to some awkward questions. Accordingly, Minecraft is universally rated appropriate for ages 7 and above.
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