PS5 has a ton of features that help make the players’ lives easier. Did you know that if you don’t have access to a microphone, you can use your mobile phone to act as a mic for your PS5? This is one of the most useful features that the PS5 has to offer. But, getting it to work can get quite tricky, and that’s where we come in. Today, we will show you how to make your mobile phone act as a mic for your PS5. Let’s get into it.
How to Use Phone as MIC on PS5?
So, do you have a broken microphone that isn’t allowing you to talk to people on your PS5? What if we told you that you don’t need a new microphone and you can just use your phone as a mic? Well, you can and today we’ll teach how you to do it. Let’s begin.
- For the foremost step, you wanna head into your AppStore or the Google play store and download the PlayStation App.
- Once you have the app downloaded, open it up and log in to the app with your PlayStation network credentials. Make sure that you are using the same account that you use on your PS5.
- After you have successfully logged in, look at the top right corner and you should be able to spot the party screen.
- Open up your party screen and you create a party or join a party that has already been created. Now, when you join a party with your phone it will act as a microphone. You can mute yourself and put your phone on speaker to hear your party members. This is a perfect replacement for people who don’t have access to a microphone.
Now, if you don’t wanna go through the party voice chat and wanna use the in-game voice chat, then you will have to download the PS Remote Play app and configure your PS5 remote play with your mobile device. We have a guide on how to do this, you can check it out here.
That concludes our article on how to use your mobile phone as a mic on PS5. Now, you should easily be able to talk in party chats without having access to a microphone. Visit Digistatement for more informative articles like the one you just read. Leave a comment below if you have any queries. Thank you for reading!