Many Genshin Impact players have been looking for information regarding the steps on how to get Sumeru Craftable Weapons in the game. It can be quite confusing for players to know how to get these weapons. This article is therefore regarding the steps on how to get these weapons in Genshin Impact.
How To Get Sumeru Craftable Weapons in Genshin Impact?
1) First and foremost, you have to note that you can collect blueprints for five craftable weapons in Sumeru. Likewise, you have to collect a special currency in order to obtain blueprints. In order to start collecting these special currencies, you have to open the Vanarana region by completing the World Quests. It is also a good idea to complete Aranyaka: Part III.
2) Next up, you can exchange the special currency “Stories of You and the Aranara” with Aravinay near the Tree of Dreams in Vanarana. Likewise, you have to collect a total of 5 “Stories of You and the Aranara” currency to get all the blueprints.
3) You have to complete these World Quests in order to obtain the 5 special currencies: Dream Nursery (Aranyaka: Part II), Vimana Agama, Varuna Gatha, Agnihotra Sutra, and Aranyaka: Part IV. Likewise, you can also unlock the “The Tale of the Forest” achievement by collecting all the craftable weapon blueprints.
4) After collecting the 5 special “Stories of You and the Aranara” currencies, you have to interact with Aravinay to obtain all five blueprints. You can now get the following Sumeru weapons: Sapwood Blade – Sword, King’s Squire – Bow, Forest Regalia – Claymore, Moonpiercer – Polearm, and Fruit of Fulfillment – Catalyst.
5) Then, you have to use the crafting bench to craft Midlander Billets. In order to do this, you have to obtain one Northlander Billet as well as two Dream Solvents.
6) Now, you have to also make sure you have 50 Crystal Chunks, 50 White Iron Chunks, as well as 500 Mora to forge the Sumeru weapons.
7) Finally, you have to wait for the crafting process to complete and obtain Sumeru weapons in the game.
This was an article regarding the steps on how to get Sumeru Craftable Weapons in the game. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.