Developed by Mojang, Minecraft is a multiplayer sandbox game. This game consists of its endless world that is made up of blocks. Everything in this world, be it particles, minerals, grass, trees, characters, mobs, animals, birds is made up of cubical blocks. The graphics of Minecraft are not an appealing and eye-catching feature. In this game, the players have to create their village or house or buildings and defend themselves and their property from mobs, villagers, or hostile creatures.
This game is best enjoyed when you are playing and building up stuff with your friends. But, the fun gets destroyed if the game is unable to deliver up to our expectations. In this article, we are going to talk about another such fun-destroying error named, “Error Code: Ghast” in Minecraft and tell you ways to fix that error. So, here is everything you need to know.
Error Code Ghast: How to fix it?
Error Code: Ghast was a rare error in the past but recently, it has been troubling many Minecraft players. This Error says, “We could not sign you in to your Microsoft Account. Access to Realms, Profiles, and your Marketplace items will be limited. Please try again later.” But, trying again later never helps the gamers.
This issue completely hampers players from signing into their Microsoft Accounts. So, the question arises that how would it get fixed? Here are some hit and trial solutions that helped many players. You may note that these are not official fixes for this problem so it may not work 100% in your game.
- Update Your MCPE: To fix this error, you are recommended to update your MCPE to the latest version (beta or official)
- Re-install MCPE: Reinstalling MCPE could also help you out to fix this error in the game. But, do not forget to backup your Worlds, Shaders, Texture Packs, etc.
- Repeat Signing In for about 3 to 5 times
- Use Parallel Space: It is an application cloner, add MCPE to parallel space and check if the error is gone.
- Configure your Microsoft or Xbox Account: If you are playing on Sony or Microsoft Gaming consoles, then you must try to find that if there is an issue with its settings.
Try all of these alternative methods to fix this issue. If this issue does not gets solved through these methods, you can also check out another article about Error Code Ghast in which we have talked about different solutions. You can visit here to read that article.