Inspired from Pokemon, Temtem is an MMO RPG where players play as a Temtem tamer and explore the six islands of the Airborne Archipelago and catching different species of Temtem.
Since the journey across the six islands is so long, the game features fast travels to cover the large distance without walking on foot. There are several methods for fast travel in the game, some have been implemented in early access ,and some are yet to be released with future updates.
So, let’s see what the methods to fast travel in Temtem Including Smoke Bombs, Airship And Mounts are.
How to fast travel in Temtem?
Using Smoke Bombs
The first method for fast travel includes the use of smoke bombs. This is the only method available in early access. They are not exactly a fast travel item. but are a good way to escape from dangerous situations. By using them will end your and adventure and return you to the last Temporium you visited. You can put a good use of the smoke bombs with a little planning like while doing the Denzian Icarus Quest, you can visit the Arissola Temprorium and go to the top of Windwart Fort, and can teleport back after finishing the quest.
Using Mounts
Mounts are not in the game, but there is a greyed-out option in the menu on the left which highlights its unavailability. It may add to the game in future updates and work like mounts of any other game to increase the players’ mobility.
Using Airships
There is a dock with an anchored in Arissola, but if you talk to the crew, they’ll tell you there’s no room on this flight. There is also a map marker for the dock which means we will able to use the airships in the near future for traveling across the map
We will update you with more methods as they are added.