You can play the Piano in Roblox. However, playing complicated notes using the keyboard might get difficult. Use the following trick to Autoplay Piano in Roblox.
- Go to the website to get auto hotkey – Download Auto Hot Key
- Click on Download and then Download Current version to start the download.
- Launch the installation file.
- If a message is shown, click on yes to allow installation.
- Select the Express Installation option to install it automatically.
- Click on Exit to close the file after completion.
Create the Piano Script
To create the piano script, follow the steps given below.
- On the desktop, right-click and hover over new.
- AutoHotkey option should be present. Click on it.
- Name the file as you wish. For convenience, name it Auto Piano.
- Right-click on the file that you just created.
- Click on edit script to open the script.
- Remove all the data in it and paste the following script.
Gui, Add, Text,, ——————————————Key Delay—————————————–
Gui, Add, Edit, w300 vKeyDelay, 100
Gui, Add, Text,, —————————————-Piano Music—————————————–
Gui, Add, Edit, R10 w300 vPianoMusic
Gui, Add, Text,, F4 To Play Piano Music
Gui, Add, Text,, Press F8 To Suspend/Resume
Gui, Add, Text,, Edited by WalkerOnly
Gui, Show
Gui, Submit, Nohide
PianoMusic := RegExReplace(PianoMusic, “`n|`r|/”) ; Remove Stuff
X := 1
while (X:=RegExMatch(PianoMusic, “U)(\[.*]|.)”,Keys, X))
Keys := Trim(Keys, “[]”)
SendInput % Keys
Sleep, %KeyDelay%
- Save the file and then close the window.
- Double click on the file to open it.
- The Auto Piano.ahk window should open.
- You can get any piano key from the website – Virtual Piano Music Sheets
- Paste the entire key in the window and adjust the key delay as you wish.
- Launch the game and go near a piano.
- Press F4 to play the piano sheets automatically.
These are the simple steps to Autoplay Piano in Roblox. You can check out the YouTube video by Winning Smile_scripts for more visual guidance if necessary. You have to keep in mind that some servers or games might ban you because this is sometimes considered a hack. Nonetheless, you can apply this method to enjoy the music.