Homeland is an American spy thriller television series based on its Israeli counterpart series Prisoners Of War starring Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison who is a CIA officer with bipolar disorder. The series mainly revolves around a plot about the investigation of a US Marine who was assumed dead years ago but has suddenly surfaced. The investigation is to find whether he has been turned by al-Qaeda or not and if he poses an imminent threat to the country.
It is a very interesting story with lots of action, great visuals and at times scary. In short a crisp thriller to watch along with your friends and family.
Homeland Season 8 Episode 2 Release Date :
Homeland Season 8 Episode 2 is to air on 16 February 2020. This episode is officially named “Catch and Release”.
Now let us breakdown the promo for the 2nd episode of the 8th Season. The trailer shows Carrie’s horror and disappointment both at the Agency and herself when she sees Yevgeny Gromov leaving the Afghan VP’s office. She remembers that he was the one responsible for her torturous treatments in Germany but also the one she was hugging in the flashbacks. She requests Saul to get him removed which is denied and also tries to convince the VP to revert his decision on the release of prisoners.
But, the operations of the agency are in crosshairs with Pakistani intelligence which may cause some action on the field. Let us see what unfolds. Now we are up to see how Carrie negotiates the deal and also holds herself against all the flashbacks and horrors she has been facing.