If you are looking for information regarding the Descendo spell in Hogwarts Legacy, you have come to the right place. Hogwarts Legacy boasts a wealth of supplementary content for players to enjoy during their free time in between classes. Among these activities are a series of side quests assigned by professors and other NPCs. These quests offer players an opportunity to explore previously unseen facets of the game, emphasizing the proper utilization of spells, the crafting of potions, and the integration of plants into combat. Completing some of these quests also unlocks spells as well as others. A very useful spell in the game is the Descendo spell. This article is therefore regarding how to get & use Descendo Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.
What is Descendo Spell?
Descendo is a potent force spell that becomes available in the later stages of Hogwarts Legacy. It is capable of augmenting the impact damage inflicted by Force Spells and a multitude of combos. As this spell is exclusively obtainable in the latter part of the game, it is advisable for players to thoroughly explore the expansive world and acquire as many spells as possible.
A recommended combination involves employing Descendo alongside Levioso or Accio spells, as both spells temporarily suspend the foe in mid-air. Striking a suspended enemy allows players to juggle them for a brief period before the levitation spell dissolves and they fall back down. Concluding a combo on a levitating adversary with Descendo will cause them to crash to the ground with tremendous force, dealing significant damage. You can learn about the steps to unlock it below.
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get & Use Descendo Spell
Here are the required steps –
1) The first step is to progress through the game’s main story and reach the later stages of the game.
2) Next, you have to complete Professor Onai’s Assignment 1.
- The first objective is to defeat a troll and collect a troll bogey: You can visit any troll lair to do this. There are many troll lairs on the map. You can find trolls, particularly in the Feldcroft region.
- The second task is to attack enemies while airborne using Depulso: You can cast the Levioso spell on enemies to flip them up in the air and immediately cast a Depulso spell on them.
3) After this, go back to Professor Onai to attend the Divination class, and complete the puzzle to unlock this spell.
This was an article regarding how to get & use Descendo Spell in Hogwarts Legacy. You can also check out other articles on the game by following Digistatement.