The latest hotfix for heartstone has made a few minor meta changes to the game. Blizzard has decided to cut down the Discover mechanic. Discover cards and “random card generators” will no longer generate themselves or any other Discover cards. Weirdly this hotfix has seen some criticism from the community, especially on the Reddit post that informed of the hotfix.
According to the initial inspection and the comments from developers it is made to vary the metagame. As for cards like Shadow Visions, it can still be discovered if you have a copy of it in your deck.
Besides these small changes in Mechanics, there were some bug fixes that were employed to it in 18.0.1 server hotfix:
- Fixed Mr. Bigglesworth not appearing in Battlegrounds for all players.
- Fixed a bug where Khadgar re-summoning of Jandice Barov’s minion would not have its death upon damage enchantment.
- The bug where Headmaster Kel sometimes does not resurrect minions that die when returning to a full hand.
Dev comment: Overall, this change is aimed at helping games feel a bit more varied. While generating the same card can be an exciting individual moment, these types of experiences tend to have diminishing returns after a while. These adjustments should make for healthier games against classes with a ton of resource generation.
Hotfix Meta Change
Community Manager Kerfluffle announced the hotfix 18.0.1 earlier today. It will be available today on the servers, meaning that no update will be necessary for players to benefit from it. The cards affected by this update are down below:
The Mage cards are the worst affected by this update as they include four cards that are discovery. Even the Druid cards hold only two cards that will have their effectiveness dropped. Some random card generators affected will be DragonQueen, Alexandertzar, and Evocation. These cards won’t be able to generate themselves anymore.
The server hotfix 18.0.1 will be updated without any downloadable content. It will already be there if you have downloaded patch 18.0.0.